This is exciting for me because I have bookmarks saved all over the place. Now they are all in one place. I can be on any computer at any time and locate them. I dont have to have my computer or email it to myself or anything else.
One of the other fun things are the names of Pin Boards. Some people are just so darn creative... not me. As I have been pinning I have tried to be a little original with my titles... but all in all have failed. Oh well. Its fun to me.
Here are a few of the things that I have 'pinned' lately that I thought I would share.
This is from my YUM board. Yep, that's right... a board dedicated to food. Yummy food that I want to make some day. Some of which I have.
Don't these look delish? I think they would be perfect for a cookout appetizer. A beautiful summer treat.
Made this! It was heavenly. There are still leftovers in my fridge... or there were. My wonderful hubs ate the last of the lettuce today...
Isn't this beautiful? To make it patriotic I thought about adding strawberries between the layers and then decorating the top with blue berries and strawberries.
Is any one else as obsessed with black beans as I have been lately. I love them. I am constantly looking for new ways to make them. I even made black bean hummus... delish!
How can anything this ewwwwie and gooooie not make your mouth water. I think this might be a midnight snack for the hubs and I one weekend... maybe this weekend...
The next board is called : Never fully dressed with out a smile. Yes its true... I believe that your attitude really makes how you look... but it helps to have a good wardrobe to go with that smile.
Everything about this outfit screams fall and sophistication. Elegant yet... comfy. I love the boots and the black dress... is it possible that brown and black can indeed coexist? I think that yes, in this case it can. Seeing that the brown is very light. And the jean jacket... Thank the Lord someone else sees them as fashionable!! I've been wearing one with everything for YEARS... and it has finally caught on.
Yes this is Mrs. Katie Holmes... can you believe she is still married to that nut job? Ugh... anyways... this was the inspiration for my new haircut. I could put a picture of my head next to hers and I would practically look like the same person... yes, I've quit eating and lost 50 lbs to accomplish this look.... NOT! My hair looks nothing like this! Not even close! I'm fairly frustrated... however, I how it might resemble it when it grows out a bit.
This screams "BEAUTIFUL FALL DAY" to me! I must add turquoise whenever possible. And I also MUST get myself some brown boots... perhaps flats though... let me know if you know where I should get them. Perhaps I will search Pintrest to see if I can find some.
Hello my name is Heather and I'm obsessed with all things turquoise! I'm ok with that... its a beautiful color. This would be my go to spring outfit... I must start looking now.
My next board is called "Lets get Crafty"... well yea... its all things crafty that I want to make... you know... when the house is done, and the kids are grown, and I retire.
I hate... HATE .... HATE my coffee table at home... but this one would be just lovely.
Source: via Heather on Pinterest
Crocheting with old sheets... SHUT THE FRONT DOOR! Brilliant. I could even see myself buying some cheap low quality sheets and dying them...
How simple... yard of material... cut arm holes. I'm still wondering why I haven't done this yet. Perfect for summer.
I have the ugliest ottoman ever in the history of owning ottomans! This would be just dandy... once the walls are painted... its happening.
Going on my Christmas list this year along with the newest Iphone, a trip to Washington DC, a new car, a maid and a pedicure will be a sewing machine. How can you get enough of this skirt... I would like one in black, brown, yellow, turquoise, orange, and probably magenta!
The last board I will share with you is called "Somewhere over the rainbow"... it is my dreamland board. It is for the day when the hubs and I get to make the announcement that we will be three. For the day when my pups move down from the number 3,4,& 5 spot in my life. For the day when I'm not sleeping, not eating right, not working out and dreaming of my life before having someone demand my constant attention. I could go on and on... but here are the precious things I have found... and fallen in love with. Each and every time I pin something to this board my heart skips a beat, I often find myself day dreaming and thinking of names or what they will look like... currently... my heart is racing... just at the thought of ...'somewhere over the rainbow...'
I have dreams of my little boy's room being decorated in Monsters. It will frighteningly fantastic!!
Could there be a sweeter little girls room? Soft and delicate and sparkly! Love.
I love the creative ways that people are photographing babies now. I think this is beautiful and symbolic. I love how the mom is wearing the same shirt and hold her her hands around the baby the same way she was holding her tummy.
Dear Jesus - Please give me a little boy... I must have this photo somewhere in my collection. Also, make him as handsome as his daddy! With blue eyes that will melt my heart!
With that my friends, I leave you. I apologize for the addiction that I have caused in your life. I hope and pray you do not hate me for this. If you need a request then find me on facebook and send me your email address and I'll send you one.
Happy Pinning!