Therefore ... this week, I took a step in faith and answered a knock at the door. Or rather an email. I'm scared. I'm stressed. I'm hungry. Anyways... lets start at the beginning. that will clear things up for you.
Monday the hubs and I started this fast. You can read more about it here. It is weird, it is radical ... and you are going to think I lost my marbles. Well I have. And I have to say that today... day 4... I feel normal again. However, the first three days I considered running away from home and taking a bite out of the first cow I came to.
Anyways... Monday night, I had a hard time falling asleep. I tossed and turned and tried talking to Andrew but he passed out... lucky him. So I decided to pray. During my prayer I prayed that God would revile to me the direction our lives are supposed to take during this fast. That He would really show himself to me. I'm sure it went deeper than that but I feel asleep and woke up with a killer headache. After explaining to my wonderful boss that I couldnt make it that morning and be worth anything, I rolled over and tried to go back to sleep. Then my phone started freaking out with email alerts. I decided to check it to see if there was anything important that I was missing.
Well... there it was. A request from a principle to come talk to him about a job that just became open that day. I was the first person he had thought about and he felt that I would do a good job adapting to that role.
After freaking out by myself I called my husband and freaked out with him. He said it wouldnt hurt to go talk to him and see where it leads.
I spent the morning in prayer, worship and slight hysteria. I felt a panicked peace about things. Knowing that God has this. God has me! God will take care of it! But knowing that school starts next week... PANIC!
Long story short... I decided to take the job. My last day at my current place of employment will be Friday August 12. And on Monday August 15 I will report to my school for orientation and getting things ready. On Wednesday August 17... I will once again have a class full of little ones.
When Andrew and I got married and I moved to Bartlesville I tried to get a teaching position. However, it was not in God's plans for me. For some reason He had me take the job I have. It had been a good job with beautiful people. I can't imagine what it will be like to be with out them in my daily life. I honestly didnt know if I would ever go back into teaching again. In fact - when we moved a month ago... I threw out half of all my teacher stuff and gave half of what was left away. I'm starting from scratch and I have 4 days to get it done. But I love it! My heart is at peace. I KNOW this is God's leading and direction that I was praying for.
I will be teaching Pre K. I taught Kindergarten for 4 years back home and loved it. I never in my life thought I would enjoy such a young age, but I did. It was amazing.
On Monday I will introduce myself to a couple dozen 4 year olds and "Mrs. Schumacher"! And saying that puts a smile on my face and makes my heart panic at the same time. But God is good... and He is preparing me for the road ahead.
SO pray for me... this week is going to be a doozy!!