About Me

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We were married on June 18th surrounded by all our friends and family. We live in Oklahoma and love it. It is beginning to feel more and more like home. I love the trees, our church and the people! Everyone has made us feel so welcome and a part of this community. We both have great jobs, that we love going to every day! Life is good, God is good!!

Friday, July 23, 2010

One month of...

July 18th we celebrated our one month anniversary. I decided to write a post on all the things that I have learned in this very eventful month…

1. The wedding was NOT “all about me.” - In fact, it was about many people… Andrew, mom, dad, in-laws, bridesmaids, groomsmen, out-of-towners, preachers, coordinators, food people, fairy godmothers, family… the list could go on and on. MY wedding was about so many more people than just me… and I LOVED it!! I couldn’t have asked for a better reason to celebrate.

2. The honeymoon does end – As we were getting off the airplane in Tulsa and felt the heat seeping in through the breezeway we gave the plane and the “idea” of our honeymoon a farewell glance. As we waited for luggage there was a heavy sadness that hung in our hearts… as soon as we found that last bag, we were officially in reality…

3. Reality… it’s not that bad – We got home the on a Saturday and on Monday I started my new job. This was stressful and hard to adjust to but it was fun nonetheless. Reality is … cooking meals, doing laundry , taking the dog out, cleaning a house, being tired, waking up together, sharing toothpaste (even if he squeezes it wrong), praying together, going on dates, new stuff, small choices, big decisions… reality is HARD! But reality is WONDERFUL!!

4. No one can look good all the time – I tried, I tried so hard… I would shower every night before bed, I would try to brush my teeth and hair if I woke up in the middle of the night, I constantly checked my make up… eventually (June 20th) I managed to FAIL!!

5. Every big decision can typically wait on a night of sleep and prayer – enough said!

6. Eating together is much better than eating alone! (2 to prepare dinner, 2 to clean up dinner!!)

7. Marriage doesn’t turn you into an instant Martha Stewart – I assumed that just because I was now a married woman that I would be able to cook, clean, do laundry and look good doing it. This still hasn’t happened…

8. Marrying a personal trainer doesn’t make you skinny or in shape- I ALSO assumed that when I married Andrew (my personal personal trainer) I thought that not only would working out be fun and easy but that I would already be in shape and wouldn’t sweat or hurt when I was working out.

9. 2 is better than 1 – Hanging out alone is not fun… but hanging out with someone else is!

10. This is hard – Unfortunately life isn’t easy. Figuring out how to be married is hard most days. However, it has been the ride of my life and I wouldn’t change it for the world!!

So these are the wonderful and very important things that I have learned this past month of marriage. I wouldn’t trade any of them for the world.

Thank you Andrew Schumacher… you have made me one very happy wife!! I love you!!


  1. I love that you're honest about all of it, not just the good. How fun to read about a new marriage! I'm sure people have told you this recently, but getting to see and hear about a newlywed couple can inspire others to revive the romance in their own marriages. It's so refreshing!

  2. I love you .... and like Tanya I love the fact that you are so honest...with yourself and others!!! Funny thing is your marriage is effecting change in our lives too....we are having to figure out lots of stuff too!!!
    Love you

  3. Heather I also like your honesty. You are a great writer maybe you should think about how to make money at it. Not that you want me telling you what to do... but just a thought.

  4. I miss you......!!!!!!! Frankie wants to know when "Tia" Heather is coming home!!!
