About Me

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We were married on June 18th surrounded by all our friends and family. We live in Oklahoma and love it. It is beginning to feel more and more like home. I love the trees, our church and the people! Everyone has made us feel so welcome and a part of this community. We both have great jobs, that we love going to every day! Life is good, God is good!!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

lessons learned...

For my last semester in college (a student teaching internship) I came back home to Midland. This is where I had grown up and where I swore I would NEVER live again. However, God had other plans and knew what was best for me.
When I moved back home, I moved in to the old room I had before college, (and during on random weekends- used mostly for catching up on sleep.) I loved my house. I loved being home... for a season. It was during this season that I learned many life long lessons that I will never forget. I thought I would take a minute today to share some of them.

Lesson 1: Look around... don't be spontaneous
I began my teaching career in January of 2006. The weather was beautiful. I was turning 23. I still lived with mom and dad but, hey - they were letting me. One day I got a wild hair that I needed to own something of my own. I was SO dependent on them for so much that I wanted freedom (ironic how it is not even close to freedom now)! So I decided to sell the 2000 Honda that they had given me in college for a new car. I looked... I wish I could say long and hard but I can't... I looked for about a week. Saw a PT Cruiser in the paper for $9,000!! Dude - That's totally doable I thought! SO I sold my Honda to a family friend who gave it to their daughter who was going off to college at the time. She loved it ... she is STILL driving it in Louisiana. STINKER!! Anyways... no bitterness here. I sold my Honda, took out a loan for the rest and bought this beautiful, shiny, silver with a sunroof PT Cruiser. Prior to making this decision I received many bits of advice that sounded something like this "Heather, only people over 50 drive PT Cruisers!" "Heather, Your Honda is fantastic, it has room, its in good shape!!" "Heather, there is nothing cool about a PT Cruiser!" "Heather, you will look like a dork driving that car!" And from my dad "Heather, I wouldn't do this if I were you!" But alas, he wasn't me... And I was ready to make my own decisions! So by golly I bought myself a Shiny Silver with a Sunroof PT CRUISER. The car has now been dubbed the "looser cruiser!" We are driving it. It is our family car. Andrew hates it, I hate it. (Actually I hated it about 3 weeks after I got it!) So now the lesson I have learned is to be happy with what you have! Be grateful for what is given to you.

Lesson 2: It is not about WHO I am but about WHO's I am
When I came back home from college a very sweet lady took me in under her wing. Why she picked me I'm not sure. But we had many many conversations at Starbucks over coffee. Some would last hours and hours. She would listen to me pour out my heart and all the burdens that I was struggling with (and there were lots back then) and she would just listen. Sit and listen... and then she would advise me. She would lead me in the direction I needed to go. Not though her words, but though God's. One bit of advice that I have carried with me all these years is "it is not about who I am, it is about WHO's I am!!" So today as I was thinking about this I thought Who am I? I am Heather, I am 26, I am a wife, I am a friend, I am an employee, I am a teacher, I am a listener, I am a cooker, I am a cleaner (most days), I am a talker, I am a singer (didn't say good) and I am a reader... those are just a few things that I am. However, the single most important thing about me is that I am a Child of God's! He looks down on me, despite what I have done, or will do, and he calls me HIS! He takes pride in ME! ME!! Some days I just can't grasp that. Why would the Creator of the Universe care about ME? He must have so much to deal with... but yet he cares about me. Unbelievable.... but yet so very real!

Lesson 3: 'Honor your father and your mother.'
As I moved back home I had a hard time transitioning into having authority again. I went to college for 4 years, and 1 of those lived on my own with out anyone but my dog. However, God knowing what I needed to hear had my pastor speak truth to me one Sunday at church with one of his sermons. He said that regardless of our age or our living situation we are to honor our mother and father. That means that I keep my actions clean, and pure so that they are seen in a good light. I'll be the first one to admit that my parents and I see things in a different light. They have chosen to not drink at all and I have decided that it is ok to have a drink occasionally. They don't feel it is necessary to drive with loud obnoxious music blaring out the open windows of their car, however, I feel like this is the most relaxing thing. They keep their house clean, picked up and presentable at all times, I however kept my room in a wreck. (Not as bad as high school) but it was far from "clean"! I'm not saying that I did a 180 and lived up to my parents standards. There were several times where I was out with friends or listening to a song that was not appropriate that (after it was all over) I was mortified and hoped that my parents friends hadn't seen me. Or I prayed on days that I left my room a wreck that I at least remembered to shut the door in case someone stopped by.

Through all of this newlywed stuff I am learning to honor my parents in different ways. One way that is a struggle for me is by really, truly listening to them. When they offer advice to the hubs and I ... to really stop and listen. When I am cleaning my house it is to my mom's standard. I think to myself "if momma walks in here will she feel comfortable?" If I'm thinking about making a decision that is big I think "is this how momma and daddy became the people that they are?" I want so badly to be as respected as my parents are by their friends. Not only because of their actions but because of their marriage. They are head over heals in love with each other and everyone knows it! Its quite disgusting in a really sweet way.
 I'm sure as time goes by and my relationship with momma and daddy changes so will the way that I honor them. I'm sure it will look different as we move into having a family in a few years. Honestly, I can't wait to see where it goes.

God has brought me a long way from that silly little girl that came back "home" all those years ago. It wasn't THAT long ago, however... with the many lessons learned, (and yes there are more than just 3) it seems like years ago.
So as I go forth and try to look around, remember WHO's I am and honor my father and mother... I pray that I do so with conviction and the integrity that comes with following Christ.

1 comment:

  1. Love the "whos i am." I think your PT cruiser is awesome.. I will think of a cool name.
