About Me

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We were married on June 18th surrounded by all our friends and family. We live in Oklahoma and love it. It is beginning to feel more and more like home. I love the trees, our church and the people! Everyone has made us feel so welcome and a part of this community. We both have great jobs, that we love going to every day! Life is good, God is good!!

Monday, March 7, 2011

We have an announcement...

Ladies and Gentlemen, we are adding to our family!!
This weekend we made the choice to expand our beautiful family. If you know us then you know of our two precious babies, Buster Boy and Cami Joe:
Well they have recently started getting along great... Cami ALMOST likes Buster. It is the cutest thing I have ever seen. They run around the house chasing each other as quickly as they can... or fighting over the toy of the moment. They are a riot. I cant get enough of them.

This Saturday we went to the Bartlesville mall in search of me some workout shoes (different than 'runnin shoes') and we didn't find ANY (that weren't out of our 'decent' price range)!! However, while scavenging the mall for stylish, yet affordable workout shoes, we came across a booth set up by the SPCA.

Andrew wanted to go take a look and I thought 'why not, there was some pretty cute pups in there!!' So we stopped in and played awhile. I was drawn to a Pekineses and he found a boxer mix. According him the pekineses was too 'fluffy' and I thought the boxer was WILD!! So we quickly got ready to leave. As we were walking out there was this sweet little Border Collie sleeping in his cage. We asked if we could love on him a minute and they let us. He snuggled up to both of us both instantly. (I know they do some behind the scenes training on these dogs!!) We asked about him and found out this:
  • he is a 2 month old pure bread Border Collie
  • his first dad bought him to be a playmate to his dog, however that dog didnt like that idea. 
  • he will only get to be 45 pounds
  • he DOESNT shed 
  • he is good with kids 
We walked around the mall and talked about the pros and cons about adding to our family. As you probably know, we tried this once 2 weeks after we were married. It nearly ended in us getting a divorce. I do believe my words to Andrew one night were "Me or the dog!" He picked me!! Libby (the boxer we had) now has a good home with a little girl that could give her the attention she needed. Anyways, that was a different time for us. We were still learning how to be "us" not that we have it all figured out now, but we have been married a few more months and don't have the same issues we were having back then. Anyways, we stopped to sit on a bench and talk some more and Andrew asked that we pray about this decision. And we did. We prayed that God would give us a peace about adding to the family if it was needed to be. We didnt want to get attached to another dog and then give it up a few weeks later. We did have a peace about it so we went and paid the fee for him and took him home.
He is the sweetest bundle of energy I have ever seen. He is smart, active, silly, curious, active, fluffy, cute, active... the good news is that he sleeps! The first day we had him, he took a nap with me and slept all night. Last night he woke up around 3 or 4 and Andrew took him out. It was legit... the kid needed to tinkle. So he wasnt just crying to get out of his kennel. OH yes that is right, we are kenneling this guy from day one! There will be NO other option for him. (Unless I sneak him on to the bed for a nap occasionally.... he doesn't shed!)
Well here are a few pictures to show off our little Dudley Dolots!
Buster boy...
Cami Joe...
Dudley Dolots!
He is eating the newspaper! precious!!
Daddy and Duds!
Cami was LESS than excited about this picture... she didnt want to share my attention.
Buster wanted in on this one. He is quite curious about this little guy!
They are playing over tug with one of Cams toys!
Duds is daring Cami to come play... she isnt having it. 

Well that's what we have so far. Nothing too exciting but enough to let you see just how precious our new baby is. If you are in the neighborhood come on by. He loves to play and we don't want him to be scared of new people!

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